Performance statistics
Every month, an average of 95,000 users search for topics such as dental anxiety and/or dental phobia on Google. Almost 30,000 people visit our website every month.
Every month, we advise around 1,600 patients with dental phobia.
For 19 years, the Dr Leu Group counselling team has spoken to around 360,000 people on the phone who suffer from dental anxiety. Most of them first realised that dental anxiety is somewhat normal. They learnt that in addition to normal dental anxiety, there are special people:
People with extreme dental anxiety, bad teeth and extreme shame!
The Dr Leu Group focuses exclusively on treating people with extreme dental phobia, bad teeth and extreme embarrassment!
To date, we have treated about 4,440 people with extreme dental phobia, bad teeth and extreme embarrassment under general anaesthetic in German-speaking countries alone.
The so-called treatment guidelines of the health insurance companies still do not recognise people with extreme dental anxiety, bad teeth and extreme shame.
These guidelines only mention - in a very trivialised way - dental anxiety in adults.